Google Keyword Research: 5 Expert Tips

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Thus, when it comes to getting your website in front of more people, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most effective ways to do so. In this article, we’ll outline what you should consider when researching keywords, and walk through five tips for getting started with Google Keyword Research! Last week, we asked you which questions you’d like us to cover in our next Learning Labs article.
The winner by far was “What are the most effective ways to get better at the game?” Well, since this question came up so often, we’re going to dedicate an entire article to it. In this Learning Labs article, we’ll outline the best tool to get yourself better at the game, and walk you through how you can get started with it. You’ll also learn about some other tools that might be helpful, and how to use them effectively!
Keyword research is the core of any marketing strategy. It is important for search engine optimization, conversion rate optimization, and content marketing. While many companies have in-house keyword research experts, it’s possible to do your own, too – with the help of these five tips.
Keyword Research to help with Influencing the Purchase Journey
To make sure you are choosing the right keywords, first identify your audience’s search behavior. So how do you figure this out? Start by breaking your audience down into specific segments. For example, if you’re a car insurance provider, a breakdown might look like this:
You may find Baby boomers – 72% of your audience
Then there would be Gen Xers – 13% of your audience
Finally Gen Y – 11% of your audience
Millenials – 7% of your audience
E-commerce – 4% of your audience
With this information, you can then begin to think about the various ways that your audience uses the internet.
Principle One: Choose Relevant Keywords
When it comes to keyword research, you have a lot of choices. That’s a good thing because it allows you to be more specific about what your customers want. It also helps to narrow down keywords for targeting different types of traffic. When choosing keywords, you’ll need to consider the following: What is the best keyword all-in-one software program for SEO and social media marketing no 1…
In truth, I spent hours on when I first got started in web design, but somewhere along the way I switched to Google AdWords because it was more intuitive. To be entirely truthful though, I soon realized that I was spending more time on Google AdWords than I was actually making money with it, and that became my gateway into affiliate marketing.
Principle Two: Use Specific, High Quality Keyword Research Suggestions
The second principle is specifically related to the second rule of the process. Instead of trying your luck with a general term, opt for a more specific keyword with a higher quality score. This will ensure that you’re reaching a target group with a higher likelihood of buying from you. Your ads are highly targeted, but there is one big problem that can slow down your results. You may be running into the same people over and over. This is especially true if you are using Facebook to advertise, as it uses the same algorithm every time you create a campaign.
Principle Three: Avoid Clichéd Keywords – They Won’t Help You
This is a common mistake made by rookie search engine optimizers. They are convinced that they have found the right keyword for their website, so they use it in all of their pages. What they do not realize is that this practice will actually hurt them. Using the same keyword in every page makes your site less valuable to Google because it is no longer unique or fresh. So what can you do? You need to experiment with your keyword choices. If a page is highly competitive, create a unique phrase for it . You can also use synonyms, exotic words, or even homophones to create different variations of phrases so you are not using the same keyword in every page.
Next, you need to use keywords that are more specific .
Principle Four: Optimize For AdWords On And
The bulk of your keywords should be on and for this principal reason: Advertisers can run ads on both and, so if they find a keyword that converts well, they can put it to use on both domains at virtually no extra cost. That means your keyword is more likely to be found by searchers on and, which means you’re more likely to increase your clicks, conversions and ROAS.
Keyword Research Conclusion
To find out which keywords you should be targeting, use Google AdWords Keyword Tool. You can also check our blog post on how to choose the best keywords for your business.
Article Resources to help you choose your keywords: -tools/content-marketing-tools/keyword-research