Five Tips For Parenting Your Toddler With Another Child Under Two

The initial stages of parenting can be very stressful however, it is a unique experience you grow to love. Having one child can be a lot. If you have a toddler and a newborn, it can be overwhelming.

Luckily for you, five tips are great for helping you with your toddler. These are great for coping with a toddler, especially if it is the first one. Let’s look at our five tips for ensuring your toddler gets the correct parenting and makes your life less stressful. 

Understanding Your Toddler Is Still A Baby

If you have two children, you will find it difficult to juggle between the two. However, it is important to remember that your toddler is still a baby and you are still responsible for everything it does. 

It is only until recently your toddler has been the only child of the family. That is why they must understand that they are no longer the only child and they must share with their siblings. That is why it is important to find ways to introduce your toddler to your newborn.

There are two ways that you can introduce them to one another. One method is to introduce your children to the hospital. The other method would be to introduce each other back at home.  

Don’t Completely Neglect The Older Child

Another way to ensure you are parenting the right way is to not completely neglect your older child. We advise you to focus on the older child as much as the younger one as they are both reliant on you. That includes feeding times and a nappy change. Another thing to mention is that you must communicate with the older child and let them know they will be a role model for the younger child. 

Make sure they get the same attention as the younger child. You don’t want them to feel jealous and neglected when visiting family and friends. Encourage your close family members to make a bigger fuss about the older child to help them escape from their younger brother and sister. 

Include Your Toddler Wherever You Can

Another thing to mention is that when you are looking after your toddler, you need to involve them in everything possible to involve them in. Furthermore, you can get them into the habit of assisting you during nappy changes for the younger child. They can do this by passing you talcum powder or even wet wipes. You can even encourage role-playing by getting them to change a nappy on their teddy or toy.

When parenting your toddler, you must encourage new responsibilities and roles. That includes things like greeting the baby when it wakes up. Another thing that they can get involved with is helping to choose what the baby can wear. 

Before the baby is born, you can read story books that will help prepare them for having a younger sister or brother. Additionally, you could encourage them to help you prepare for the new child to be born. That way, they think they are involved in the whole process. 

Be Ready With Snacks and Stories

Another thing that you can do is prepare food snacks for your toddler whilst you are busy with the newborn. You may find it difficult to feed your toddler during breastfeeding so make sure you plan. Get their long bib ready before you begin to feed the younger child so you create more free time for yourself. 

If they are not hungry, make sure you have a book they can play with or some toys. Whatever you can find for your child that will keep them occupied is very important and make your life a lot easier.

Make Sure To Care For Both When Needed

A lot of the time, you will find that both your toddler and the newborn will want attention at the same time. However, you may find it difficult to tend to both. Nevertheless, try to do what you can at the same time. Depending on the situation, you may be able to get the toddler to help with caring for the younger child. It is a great way to keep both children happy and reduce the chances of them getting jealous of one another. 

It all depends on the situation as well. The toddler could have fallen and hurt themselves. In this scenario, you would tend to the toddler first. As a parent, you will soon see which child is the priority each time they need you. 

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