What is TMJ and How to Recognize Its Warning Signs

temporomandibular joint

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is a small, complex joint in front of your ears, just below your temples. The TMJ allows you to move your jaw up and down, side-to-side, chew, speak, and swallow. TMJ disorder is a condition that affects the joint that connects the lower jawbone to the skull. It can cause pain, clicking, and popping of the jaw, and difficulty opening and closing the mouth.

TMJ is often associated with bruxism or teeth grinding. Besides, it’s a widespread cause of headaches and migraines. The beauty is that recognizing the warning signs of TMJ can help you get treatment before the condition worsens. The following are the notable warning signs of TMJ:

1. Pain in the Jaw, Face, Neck, or Shoulders

It’s often hard to pinpoint the source of the pain, and it may feel like an earache. The pain starts gradually but can become constant and even debilitating. You shouldn’t confuse the pain with tension headaches. If you have TMJ, the pain usually worsens in the morning and gets better as the day continues. Most people don’t even realize they have TMJ until they experience such pain.

2. Pain in the Teeth

You can feel like your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold temperatures or like you have an aching pain deep within your tooth. Pain in the teeth is often one of the first signs of TMJ. It’s essential to see a dentist to rule out other possible conditions, such as tooth decay or gum disease, that could be causing the pain.

3. Pain in the Ear

TMJ can cause pain in the ear because it can pressure the nerves that lead to the organ. However, people should avoid assuming ear pains are due to an infection and see a doctor to check for TMJ.

4. Popping or Clicking Sounds

Another symptom of TMJ is a popping or clicking noise that may come from your jaw. You may notice this more frequently when you open your mouth wide, chew, or yawn. Over time, it may become more pronounced and even painful. However, the sounds might be nothing to worry about and may indicate jaw misalignment. If the sounds accompany pain, it’s worth seeking medical attention.

5. Facial Swelling

Swelling in the face is often one of the first noticeable signs that something is wrong with the TMJ. It may result from inflammation, injury, or even arthritis. TMJ causes pain in the facial muscles, so you may notice that your face feels achy or tender to the touch.

6. Jaw Locking in the Same Position

If your jaw feels like it “locks” in the same position, this may be a sign that you have TMJ. If this occurs, it may be difficult to move your jaw, or you may only be able to move it a little bit. Some people slap the victim’s face to break the jaw lock, which may cause further damage.

7. Tingling or Numbness in the Fingers

It’s a sign of poor blood circulation or nerve damage. Numbing results from different issues, like arthritis, but it can also be a symptom of something serious, like a blood clot. If your fingers feel especially tingly or numb, it’s best to get checked out.

8. Dizziness

Dizziness can have many causes, but it’s also a common symptom of TMJ. If you’re feeling lightheaded or unsteady, it could be a sign that your jaw is out of alignment. Besides, the symptoms mentioned above could lead to dizziness because of excessive pain. 

The beauty is that it’s easy to locate a TMJ expert to guide you. For example, if you live or work in LA, you can search online for a TMJ specialist in Los Angeles near you and get professional assistance in real-time.

Bottom Line

If you experience these symptoms, you should consult your doctor or a TMJ specialist to rule out other possible causes and develop an appropriate treatment plan. While there is no cure for TMJ, treatments can help alleviate the symptoms. Most people take these signs lightly and pop an over-the-counter pain reliever, unaware they might be dealing with a more severe condition. Failure to act quickly could result in serious, long-term damage to your jaw and facial muscles.

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