How to Be Prepared In Case You Ever Get Locked Out of Your Car

If you are unable to access your car, you know how frustrating it can be. It is a situation that no one wants to find themselves in, but it can happen to anyone. That is why it is important to be prepared if you ever get locked out of your car. Here are tips that will help you if this unfortunate event happens.

1. Make Sure You Have a Spare Key Hidden Somewhere

One way to avoid getting locked out of your car is always to have a spare key hidden somewhere. This could be with a trusted friend or family member, in a secure hiding spot on your property, or stored away in a wallet or purse. If you lose or misplace your primary car key, having a spare will ensure you can still access your vehicle and get back on the road quickly.

It’s important to remember where you have the spare key and to update its location if necessary. Also, storing this information with emergency contacts can help in an accident or medical emergency. By being prepared with a spare key, you can prevent being stranded and save yourself from costly lockout services.

2. Know How to Unlock Your Car Without a Key

Many newer cars come equipped with keyless entry systems that can open doors without a physical key. If your car has this feature, ensure you know how to use it before an emergency arises.

3. Invest in a Car Lockout Kit

If you want to be extra ready in case you get locked out of your car, invest in a lockout kit. This small and compact toolkit can be stored in your vehicle and used to unlock the doors if you ever find yourself without a key. Most kits come with a slim jim, an air wedge, or other tools that can open the door without damaging the car.

4. Call a Locksmith

Another way to prepare for being locked out of your car is to have the number of a car locksmith saved in your phone. That way, if you find yourself stranded and unable to get into your car, you can quickly call for help. However, it’s important to ensure you find a reliable car locksmith. Ask for recommendations from friends or family and research before choosing one.

A good car locksmith will have experience with various car models and be able to unlock your car without causing damage. For example, a car locksmith in Miami Florida has a team of certified locksmiths who can quickly and easily unlock your car door without damaging the vehicle.

5. Use a Coat Hanger

You can use a coat hanger to try and open the door. This method is not always successful and can damage your car if not done correctly. Additionally, you should use this method as a last resort as it is more likely to cause damage to your vehicle than other methods.

6. Keep Calm

It is important to stay calm. Getting frustrated or angry will not help the state and will only make it worse. Instead, take a deep breath and think about the best action. If you are feeling stressed or panicky, call a friend or family member for support. They can help talk you through the situation and may be able to assist.

7. Check for Unlocked Doors

Before trying any other method, check all the doors to see if any are unlocked. Sometimes people leave a door unlocked by mistake, which can provide an easy way to get back into the car. If all doors are locked, move on to the next step.

8. Try Using a Credit Card

If the door has a small gap, you may use a credit card to open it. To do this, insert the credit card into the gap and bend it towards the lock. This will push the locking mechanism back and allow you to open the door. Be careful not to damage the card in the process.


If you are locked out of your car, there are various things you can do to get back in. If you have a spare key, be sure to know where it is so you can quickly access it in an emergency. Additionally, newer cars often come with keyless entry systems that can open doors without a physical key. If you want to be extra prepared, invest in a lockout kit or call a locksmith. Most importantly, stay calm and try not to panic. With a little patience and perseverance, you’ll eventually be able to get back into your car.

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